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It’s theory exam time! Understanding music theory and testing is part of a well-rounded program of instrument study, but getting ready can be a stressful time for music students. Read on for how to be well-prepared (and less nervous) as you take the exam.
Study tips:
Do your theory homework when assigned.
Memorize key signatures required for your level.
Learn to draw a keyboard and a circle of fifths. Memorize mnemonics.
Take practice tests.
Use apps like Earpeggio, Tenuto, and Staff Wars
Create flash cards for history, form, and vocabulary. Review frequently.
Read the Syllabus - a lot!
Practice writing clefs, key signatures, chords, intervals, music symbols, and scales.
Listen to the chord progressions and music history repertoire.
Avoid cramming.
The day before:
Be sure you have the necessary tools: pencil, eraser, highlighter, printer ink (virtual tests), and paper (for printer and extra notes you create during the test.)
Review test submission instructions and tutorials.
Confirm your test time (if applicable.)
Get enough sleep!
Plan out your test taking space so it’s in a quiet, well lit area, that is free of distractions.
If possible, use headphones for clear audio on ear training.
Test Day:
Be ready to take the test 15 minutes early, with all necessary materials and your work area clear and quiet. Avoid over scheduling so you aren’t rushed.
Plan your meals/snacks so you aren't hungry while you are testing.
Read all instructions and questions carefully.
Highlight clefs and important terms, write down mnemonics, draw a keyboard and/or a circle of fifths.
Avoid rushing through the test.
Check your work. Maybe more than once.
Carefully follow test submission instructions
Contact your teacher or ask the test administrator if you have questions.
After the test:
Give yourself a pat on the back and celebrate. Congratulations - you did it!