Lesson Types

Keynote Instruction offers online lessons, as well as blended lessons that include both online and in-person lessons. Although it's our position that nothing can replace in-person, one-on-one instruction, but online lessons serve to enhance the educational experience. Below is a comparison of the lesson types offered, which we hope will better equip you to decide which is best for your family and your child.


Online Lessons

benefits of online lessons:

  • Less commute time / traffic
  • More time for family, other obligations and practice!
  • More playing time, with teacher and student each at their own instrument
  • Teacher can observe student playing on their own instrument
  • Less transition time between lessons
  • Students learn to collaborate online (trends in business/education) using high quality video-conferencing software (preparation for higher education and workplace collaboration)

Blended Lessons

Benefits of Blended Lessons:

  • In-Studio lessons allow for interaction with the teacher and hands-on materials
  • Technical (piano-playing) issues can be more easily addressed and corrected
  • Efficiency and education benefits

Still not sure which lesson type is for you?

That's ok. We know it can be difficult to be sure. Feel free to reach out and we'd be happy to give you our recommendation.


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